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DesperTangois one space dedicated to all the exploration of psycho-physics and expression through the fundamental elements of Argentine tango. This dance, whose fondant element is the abraccio, allows you to reveal the essence of a person and of his or her stare with the other.
DesperTangoè un invito a rivegliare corpo, emozioni ed i rapporti con gli altri per riconoscerci nell'autenticità. I learn alla sensorialità, that this application produces movements organici and expressivi, and aiutano to scoprirci attraverso il contact with the other e gli altri...
In this way, and doing emerge our humanity, we express ourselves finding an intimate and personal way. This form allows an authentic encounter with an other, in degree to create a dance that flows in the freedom of an abbraccio... an abbraccio of tango.

A chi è indirizzato DesperTango?

This proposal is open to the color that you know most approfonditamente about the dance of Tango. This way of working will lead to experiencing authentic, physical, and fluid movements. Risulteranno una maggiore espressività e connessione della e nella coppia e la force di poter esprimere e comunicare il proprio piacere ed il piacere della coppia ballando libremente...



  Everything you are is in your Tango

Stage, Eventi and Lezioni

Gli incontri consists of the exercise of corporeal coscienza, expressività, self-percezione and sensory and emotive ascolto of knowledge and dell'altro. If we explore the possibilities and quality of movement and sensations, in one space that stimulates creativity and personal and collective improvisation. The work is accompanied by the moment of rifles and changes. Gli esercizi haveno laro origine in the tango dance and also in other forms of dance, theater, family costs, and other practices of personal development and psycho-emotiva integration. I concetti "Dinzeliani" riguardanti l'importanza dell'improvvisazione and la filosofia del tango como expressione di libertà, uguaglianza e fraternità sono fundamentale base del nustro lavoro.

Stages ed Eventi

Prossimi events:

- Intensive Seminar "Riconoscendo le impronte", April 15, 2018 by Studio Dinzel, Buenos Aires

- Presentation of DesperTJoin the first congress "Il tango e le sue utilità terapeutiche", Valencia 15/16/17 Giugno 2017


Last event:


DesperTango in Europe

- DesperTango to Venezia (Italy), 16/17/18 GIUGNO 2017

- DesperTAngo to Valencia (Spagna), Tango Essenziale - Tango la passione che guarisce, 20-25 June 2017

- Despertango in Liguria (Italy), 8/9 July 2017

- Awakening to Barcellona (Spagna) 22/23 July 2017


AwakenTango to Buenos Aires (Argentina)

- Seminar of various incontri tutti and giovedì of November 2017 (studio dinzel)

- Domenica intensive seminar December 3, 2017 (Studio Dinzel)

- Seminar "Riconoscendo le impronte" - March 1, 8 and 15, 2018 by Studio Dinzel, Buenos Aires



DesperTango continues to organize seminars in Buenos Aires and in Europe! Continue to follow and metti "mi piace" on our Facebook page to check out the news!

Private / group lezioni

Per avere più informazioni o per iscrivertiscrivici!


Lezioni private e di gruppo su réquesta Buenos Aires o en Europa (see calendar Stage ed Eventi) o scrivici senza alcun impegno per avere delucidazioni. 


  Your dance that is born, your soul that dances.


Chi è DesperTango

Adriana Ba Mazzotta He is an actor, ballerina and icon of Argentina with more than twenty years of experience in the artistic and educational sector. My study of classical dance and theater was the beginning of its training and its carriers nourished by diverse disciplines and esperienze corporee ed espressive, traversing jazz dance, contact improvisation, theater and musical comedy as well.



Learn Tango without childhood in the family environment, and the academic training in this settore è initiated ten years ago. He has since discovered the "Estudio Dinzel", Tango School of Buenos Aires in its approfondimento space. His maestro Rodolfo Dinzel was the great inspirer of his dance, who has conveyed and concetti vitali, emozionali and expressivi which does not exist in the dance of Tango.


His last work on stage in Buenos Aires is the theatrical and musical opera "Tango Negro 2" and "La Pescaderìa". Currently teaching dance, expression and Tango. Participate in the radio program "Radiotomada Tango" performed by tango ballerinas and created by Ennio Fioramonti of the methodDesperTango dove available to everyone you know and experience artistically and educationally.

Ennio Fioramonti Yes laurea in Biology at the University of Zurigo and in Psychology at the University of Trieste and Nizza.

Your psychological journey begins in the Academy of Applied Kinesiology of Zurigo where you learn it.I work for the client secondo C. Rogers. Segue un formazione prima in Svizzera ed Austria, poi in Italia inCostellazioni Familiari secondo B. Hellinger. Any influence on your work coming from thereZen philosophy,dalla Gestalt,dall'Analysis Transazionale,the Palo Alto school andJunghian and Transpersonal Psychology

He works for years of fun in the therapeutic field, predominantly dedicating himself to group conduct and personal growth in various localities in Italy. The central units of these groups are linked to the work through the familiar costs and the seminars of their archetypes affrontati secondo the rielaborazioni di C.S. Pearson.



For 20 years he has been Tango and since 2015 he has been living in Buenos Aires and Italy giving classes and stages of Tango and DesperTango. Assist Adriana Ba Mazzotta as creator of the methodDesperTango per il quele putte a disposizione le sue conoscenze e la sua esperienza per lavorare sul proprio Tango, oppure per lavorare su di se attraverso il Tango.

DesperTango has been contacted by Photography

Presentazione e Workshop a "Tango Esencial",  Valencia 2017

Intensive seminar organized by "Tango Venice",  Venice 2017

Seminari intensivi organized by "Protango", Bordighera 2017

Seminari intensivi organized by "Subtil Concept",  Barcelona 2017


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