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It is a space for corporal, emotional, expressive and psychological exploration, through the fundamental elements of Argentine Tango. The characteristics of this embrace dance reveal the person in their "being" and their "being" with the other.


DesperTango It has its origin in the search to address, stimulate and develop the expressive and therapeutic possibilities of Tango. It is inspired by the concepts developed by "Los Dinzel" (Gloria and Rodolfo Dinzel), a couple of dancers, teachers, researchers and pioneers in introducing this dance for therapeutic purposes. They highlighted the importance of the "active role" of both members of the couple and their willingness to co-create. They also expressed that Tango provides the individual with the possibility of confronting himself, with the other and with others in a space of complete freedom.

DesperTango It offers possibilities of self-knowledge, awakening bodily, emotional, psychological and social awareness. It uses as a tool the fundamental elements of Tango such as the step, the hug, walking together, the connection, among others. 

DesperTango It is an invitation to awaken in the corporal, emotional and relational sense to recognize oneself in authenticity, opening the paths of sensoriality, organic and expressive movement, discovering oneself in contact with the other, and the others... And so, bringing personal humanities to consciousness, create together a dance that flows freely in an embrace..., a Tango embrace.


Who is it for? DesperTango?

This proposal is open both to those who wish to know themselves in a deeper sense through dance, and to those tango dancers who wish to deepen their knowledge and find expressive nuances for their dance.
The result of the work is greater awareness and connection with oneself, discovering personal possibilities and relationships with others. As a consequence, a more authentic dance will be born, with safer, organic and fluid movements, greater connection between the couple and the possibility of experiencing the pleasure of freedom while dancing.


  Everything you are is in your Tango


Seminars and Classes


The meetings consist of exercises in body awareness, expressiveness, self-perception and sensory and emotional listening to oneself and the other. Possibilities and qualities of movement and its sensations are explored, in a space that stimulates creativity and personal and joint improvisation. The work is accompanied by moments of reflection and exchange. The exercises have their origin in Tango dance and also in other forms of dance, theater, family constellations, and other practices of personal development and psycho-emotional integration. The “Dinzelian” concepts of the “couple”, the importance of improvisation and Tango as an expression of Freedom, Equality and Fraternity are the fundamental basis of our work.

Seminars / Events


Latest events:

DesperTango (Europe)

"Tango and its benefitstherapeutic", Valencia (Spain) June 15/16/17 

- Lausanne (Switzerland) 30 Junited and 1 July

- Nice (France) 7/8/July 
-Berlin (Germany) July 13
- Cologne (Germany) July 14-16
- Bordighera (Italy) July 21/22


- Venice (Italy), June 16/17/18

- Valencia (Spain), Essential Tango - Tango la Pasión que Sana, June 20-25

- Bordighera (Italy), July 8/9
- Barcelona (Spain) July 22/23

DesperTango in Buenos Aires, argenitna)

  - DesperTango Practices January 23 / 30 from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. (Cultural Batacazo)

- DesperTango Seminar in 2 meetings "Reconnecting", February 19 and 26, 2019 (Cultural Hit)


- DesperTango Practices January 24 / 31 ("My Place" Chacarita)

    - Intensive seminar "Exploratory of Tango and Emotion", February 24 (Dinzel Studio)

- Seminar  in 3 meetings "Exploratory of Tango and Emotion", February 14, 21 and 28(Dinzel Studio)

- Intensive seminar "Exploratory of Tango and Emotion", December 8 (Dinzel Studio)


-Seminar "Recognizing Footprints" - March 1, 8 and 15 (Dinzel Studio)
- Intensive seminar "Recognizing Footprints" April 15 (Dinzel Studio)

- Intensive Seminar "Recognizing Footprints", December 16 (Dinzel Studio)


- Seminar of various meetings every Thursday in November (Dinzel Studio) 
- Intensive seminar Sunday, December 3 (Dinzel Studio)


Upcoming events:

  - NEW November and December 2023:
Presentation, Introduction, Explorers, and Seminars
Wednesday, November 8th, 15th, 22th, 29th, and December 3rd from 8:00 PM to 10:00 PM
(except for November 15th from 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM)
WokiToki, Tacuarí 905, CABA

DesperTango Presentaciòn iniciaciòn exploratorio seminario miercoles noviembre y diciembre 2023
Private / Group Classes

 To organize classes in your area or if you want more informationsend us your message.

DesperTango continues organizing Seminars in Buenos Aires and Europe! Stay in touch with us and "like" our Facebook page to find out all the news!


  Your dance that is born, your soul that dances.



Adriana Ba Mazzotta is an Argentine actress, dancer and teacher with more than twenty years of experience in the artistic and pedagogical area. Her studies in classical dance and theater were the beginning of her training and her career nourished by different disciplines and corporal and expressive experiences, jazz dance, contact improvisation, text theater and musical comedy, among others. He also incorporated knowledge from his training in clinical hypnosis, Reiki and Gestalt therapeutic techniques into his work. 

She learned tango from a young age in her family, and her academic training in this area began ten years ago. Later she found her deepest learning space in the Dinzel Studio, her teacher Rodolfo Dinzel being the great inspiration of her dance, which also led her to become interested in vital, emotional concepts. and expressive that merge in the dance of Tango.

Jobs performed
His latest works on the stages of Buenos Aires are the musical theater works "La Gira", "Tango Negro 2" and "La Pescadería". He participated in the radio program "Radiotomada Tango". He currently works as a teacher in the areas of expressive dance, theater and tango, coordinates exploration and body awareness groups, and individual spaces where he uses these tools for personal and/or artistic development. She is the creator together with Ennio Fioramonti of DesperTango where she uses all her knowledge and experiences from various areas.


Ennio Fioramonti graduated in Biology from the University of Zurich, and in Psychology from the University of Trieste and Nice.


 Besides From these studies his work was nourished by theory and practice from the following areas: 
a Client-Centered Therapy by C. Rogers, the Systemic Family Constellations of B. Hellinger, theZen philosophy, theGestalt psychology, of theTransactional Analysis, of thePalo Alto school and of the Junghian Archetypal Psychology and  generally of theTranspersonal Psychology.

 He dedicated himself mostly to leading groups and courses for personal development in various locations in Italy and Argentina. The central theme of these groups is linked to work through theFamily Constellations and courses on the analysis ofArchetypes in relation to personality traits. He was also a teacher at the University of the Third Age and at the Red Cross.


She has been dancing Tango since she was 20, and since 2015 she has lived between Italy and Buenos Aires to continue perfecting her dance and studying the psychological aspects of Tango. Together with Adriana Ba Mazzotta he created the methodDesperTango making their knowledge and experience available to work on themselves through Tango.


DesperTango in Photographs

DesperTango Exploratory, Cultural Batacazo Buenos Aires,2020

Practice DesperTango, My Place Buenos Aires,2019

Presentation of DesperTango at the First Congress "Tango and its therapeutic uses", Valencia 2018

Intensive seminar organized by Association Tango-Connexion,  Lausanne 2018

Intensive seminar organized by Fabio De Giovanni,  Nice 2018

Workshop organized by Asnat Ricardo,  Berlin 2018

Intensive seminars organized by Mirella Carbonaro,  Cologne 2018

Intensive seminar organized by Protango (Maura Traverso, Raffaele Prota),  Bordighera 2018


Presentation and Essential Tango Workshop,  Invitation by Eric Dinzel, Valencia 2017

Intensive seminar organized by Tango Venice,  Venice 2017

Intensive seminars organized by Protango,  Bordighera 2017

Intensive seminars organized by Subtil Concept, Barcelona 2017


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